I am quite capable of choosing my own funds for investing, and do not wish to be interfered with in that regard.
Please dont over regulate the markets. This is the biggest opportunity for us normal people to deploy knowledge in a way to gain outsized returns.
Inverse and leveraged ETF's provide a valuable vehicle for knowledgeable investors. Eliminating these products does not make the investment landscape any safer. On the contrary, limiting these investment options will reduce the ability of investors to hedge or make profits from falling asset prices. I do not want, or need, some government dork to protect me from myself. Please make
i have used leveraged etf's in trading tactics. i find them very useful and disappointing at times but having them is an option i would not want to lose or have restricted. please do not change my access to these etf's. thanks.
I have been a successful investor for more than 25 years. I have used both leveraged and inverse funds to help me achieve my goals. I do not need regulators in Washington "helping" me with my investment decisions. Please stay out of my investing business!
Dear Regulator,
I have been trading leveraged and inverse ETFs for over eight years. I fully understand the complexity and risks involved. I have endured severe drawdowns but also tripled and quadrupled my money. It's my sincere opinion that limiting access to such funds for the average investor is a big mistake
Let people invest their money freely!
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. I shouldnt have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like inverse or leveraged funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risk. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my strategies
I know the risks of inverse and leveraged etfs. I have bought tqqq at a great discount and will be making a lot of money when the markets recover. Stop restricting free trade.
I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST !! I don't agree with having to pass a test before investing in securities. I'm am quite capable of understanding the funds and their risk. Public investments should be available to all and not a chosen few!