The way I'm understanding this law is so it can always benifet the bigger people that hold high positions. Let us the little people and middle class people have the same rights as you the rich people. We should all be able to invest in anything we want as long as we know we can always loose and to make sure we don't over invest and then loose more money or houses. But our
I am an experienced high net worth investor who utilizes an inverse leveraged long term bond fund as a small portion of my portfolio to offset losses with some gains as interest rates rise. The benefits of this diversification strategy are just now being observed as interest rates are rising. I know what I am doing, not speculating nor trading frequently. Do not take this form of diversification
Please keep the governments nose out of my investing. This is "supposed" to be the USA where we have freedom. Federal government is way to big. Should be downsized. Please keep our investing for us and not the government.
I'm fully aware that leveraged ETFs are aggress. However, that is part of my investment strategy be agrees while young and become more conservative in investing as I get closer to retirement. Why should only elites on wall street be able to pick the best stocks/ETFs
The government has no business in deciding what investors can invest in. It is their money and should remain their right to invest as they see fit. No interference from the government is necessary.
I've been using leveraged ETFs as well as ETNs for years. Why should I suddenly be subject to restrictions on products that I understand the risks for. Investing in these products isn't actually inherently riskier than simply investing in an individual stock, even a popular and widely-owned one (and indeed often is LESS risky, depending on the specifics of the stock).
I am very concerned about the potential for regulatory over reach in controlling the management of personal portfolios, particularly hedging opportunities presented by leveraged ETFs. I object to new rules. Margin requirement management by brokers is most effective. Do not become a nanny state. No value in that, except for ineffective bureaucracies. I am retired but worked in the industry for my
If we are truly a democracy than everybody should have the right to choose what they want to invest in. If is unfair that only people who have lots of money are the ones allowed complete freedom to invest in whatever they want. Those so called smart investors are constantly being bailed out by our federal reserve at us unsophisticated investors expense.
This is The United States.. We do not need the Government to control are lives... We have freedom of choice... and freedom to use legal host investments to secure our future.. Please spend your time finding insider traders and other criminals.. Leave us alone...Cigarettes and marijuana is OK... but I cannot invest how I want ? Shame on you.. stay out of my investment ideas....
As an investor of moderate means, I appose this proposed rule. All investors should have equal access to investment options. It should be my decision, not FINRA's, as to what is appropriate for me.