Investors should be free to make their own decisions in where they would like to invest their money, short or long term, however risky it may be, so long as the fund is honest. Small caps or OTC is just as volatile and risky if not more. Options trading is way more risky than leveraged ETFs as well. You limit retail's tools to hedge or make large gains by stopping us from using these.
I should be able to choose the public
I shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before I can invest in public securities.
I am against the test requirement -- there are a lot of people like me who are beyond 75 years old and have experience investing in this type of investments and self-limit their investments not to go over certain limit and are NOT COMFORTABLE GIVING TESTS.
The FINRA Foundation has retired the Moneytopia game and tutorials, as the underlying Flash Player technology is no longer supported by Adobe. Try out other FINRA investor education tools and resources, including a series of mini-modules on investing.
Please do not take away my rights to make my own investment choices. Leverage should not be limited to only a certain class of investor.. keep the markets free and fair.
This really stinks for investors.
Keep your hands off feds!
Go regulate nancy pelosi and joe biden!
Sirs: I oppose the restrictions and measures FINRA is considering regarding who may purchase "complex products". I support all investors' right to freely access the entirety of the public securities markets without arbitrary restrictions. Do not discriminate among "classes" of investors. Do not "hand pick" and "judge
I don't need any gubmint regulator telling me what I can or can't buy. How about you investigate the naked shorting and other misbehavior?
To Whom It may concern:
I have successfully been investing in ProShares leveraged funds since 2012, over 10 years. Investing in the leveraged funds has enabled me to achieve an above average annual return. The wealth generated from these investments has largely been in a tax deffered Profit Sharing Plan and an IRA.
They provide me with a greater sense of mental well being, which carries over
I'm just a lower-middle class investor. For the most part, the general public should be allowed to invest in inverse and leveraged funds as long as the companies providing them aren't out to scam the public with unreasonable and/or suspicious tricks. If there is something unusual about a fund, a brief-to-the-point and clear explanation, avoiding double-negative language,