I oppose limiting my ability to trade leveraged funds by regulations. I would like to have a choice to trade them or not.
Thank you for considering my opinion.
Please do not prohibit my ability to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. These represent a critical ability for me to generate superior risk-adjusted returns, and limit my downside. My 25 years of experience with investing has prepared me well to use these instruments. I don't want your protections, I don't need your protections. Your protections will hurt me. Your protections will
I oppose FINRA regulations as it is a FREE market investment environment and should not be regulated. This limitations on your investments will create a great missing on my investment rewards.
It's our money. We can do what we want with it, including use it to dump unwise regulators and stupid regulations.
Dear Sirs,
I do not want or need regulators to impose restrictions on my ability to use leveraged and inverse funds to support my investment strategies. I understand complexity and risks involved with such investments and have used them successfully.
I have been inviting in the market for 20 some years now. I use them exclusively to enhance my returns. In addition, I only use them when my
Let the customer & broker decide if these instruments are appropriate. One size fits all will cost investors.
Leveraged funds have been an important part of my investment strategy for many years. I use them to easily increase market exposure during the many months of market up trends, to seek enhanced returns, and to decrease exposure when the market is overpriced and during downtrends. I am very capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not need or want any additional
This rule would take valuable tools out of the hands of everyday investors, limiting them to the wealthy and corporations. This doesn't help anyone; it takes the tools away from them which help them succeed. This rule is shameful and antithetical to financial freedom.
Please stop trying to regulate leveraged in inverse funds further. we really don't want or need this.
Investors should be free to make their own decisions in where they would like to invest their money, short or long term, however risky it may be, so long as the fund is honest. Small caps or OTC is just as volatile and risky if not more. Options trading is way more risky than leveraged ETFs as well. You limit retail's tools to hedge or make large gains by stopping us from using these.