The government has no business in telling what I can or can't invest in as long as it's legal
I opposed to restrictions to my right to invest. I should be able to choose the public investment that I see fit, Not public regulators! I shouldnt have to pass a test to invest in public securities! I should have freedom to invest in cryptocurrency funds like BITO if I chose to diversify my investments.
Usually when an action like this happens, the powers that be ARE NOT thinking about the average investor, they are thinking how can we keep the major benefits of investing to the "Ultra Rich" and thereby avoid any "Gamestop" activity and exactly time the market for their own wealth. Do I think it is important for any security to have full disclosure? The answer is yes. But
Dear Regulators, Let adults make their own decisions and let them invest wherever they see fit. It's their money. While these are complex and potentially volatile, they can have huge gains and allow people to change the financial trajectory of their family-- both good and bad. BUT, it should be their choice.
An ETF is a .uch better investment than purchasing coins via in my opinion.
I would like to make my own opinion heard on making investments in complex investments like cryptocurrency funds. I feel I should have the right to make my own investment decisions without "jumping through hoops" first. I started as a teenager and have been making all my own investment decisions for well over 50 years now without any interference nor professional help and don't
I don't need regulators to restrict the investments I choose to invest in. Government need not interfere in our ability to buy Cryptocurrency funds. It affords us the opportunity to make small investments we would otherwise not be able to. I am responsible for my decision making and know the risks. Please leave small investors alone
Please let me keep the ability to invest in leveraged ETF's/Stocks.
All of these criteria are very reasonable and should be applied.
I can see your concerns, but the proposed approach it is not the proper one. It appears to be at least discriminatory and distorting. I can write many pages, but I will be very brief for two of the points: 1. Demonstrate a high net worth : This is discriminatory. The absolute value is irrelevant. What is relevant is a relative value. (If someone's net worth is $100,000 and choose to invest $