I am Invester from India investing in US stocks. Leveraged ETFs helps in hedging purpose against portfolio losses during market volatility. Therefore access to these products will be very helpful for retail investers.
I wish to retain my ability to trade leveraged funds. I understand the risk and stay informed where such funds are involved.
This rule should not be allowed to pass. It further infringes upon retail investors rights and access to free and fair markets. By limiting access to markets by tests that traders must pass or limiting to high wealth individuals is discrimination against all investors in a free market. This discrimination against the people who have 401k, ira, investments only will surve to hurt the people not
Stop Regulating Americans Choices! Freedom Reigns! :))
How much do the $'s spent by Americans on sports betting or lotteries help produce a cleaner/greener energy America? Those $'s are better spent on ERX ($58/sh) & ERY ($5/sh). ERX is the Energy Bull 3x ETF & ERY the Energy Bear 3x ETF. Will over 90% of that energy coming from fossil fuels, money spent on ERY is like investing in green energy. The Ukraine War has led to
Leveraged and inverse funds are needed for proper portfolio construction and hedging
Stop treating the public like theyre stupid and restricting them from investments. The real solution is to require those offering more complex investments to provide better education around them and potential risks upfront. Not just restricting them outright.
This is nonsense, I do not need your approval to invest.
Leave my money alone! I should be able to invest my money how I choose & not have limits.
Investing should be a human right not only for the higher income families. #onlytherichgetricher