Do not take away or significantly alter public ability to participate in leveraged or inverse funds.
It is free open market. This shouldnt be removed or regulated this extreme. These types of investments should be available, not just for small few select individuals/investors.
To whom it may concern I use inverse etfs to protect my downside when the institutions decide to tank the market u should be taking a closer look at the institutions that control the market I have the right to protect myself when they do this I use a very small portion of my cash I don't take risks I can't do anything about my mutuals that they crush when they tank the market unless I
These funds are not complex securities to buy/sell and it is no more difficult to understand than buying a share of Apple. Further, limiting these securities to only institutional, high net worth, or "accredited investors" put retail investors at a disadvantage as some of these inverse/leverage funds provide hedging exposure that retail needs to hedge their portfolios.
I would like to be free to invest in what I deem appropriate for me, my investment and retirement goals, and my risk tolerance. I do not need someone who knows nothing about me, my personal goals or my personal risk tolerance to attempt to determine what is or is not appropriate. Nor do I need someone else to tell me what they think I may or may not understand. In short, I do not need someone
Everyone should have the right to invest their money how they see fit. Restricting it to only benefit high net worth individuals is deplorable and characteristic of a greedy, exclusionary practice that should never have been considered in the first place.
I oppose your proposed restrictions on Leveraged and inverse investments. I use these fund to balance my investment strategies and actually to reduce investment risk. You do not have the right to place restrictions on these investments in a free economy. Let Capitalism function properly. The failure of those who take unnecessary risks should not limit those who educate themselves on these risks.
I have been responsible for my Own investing for the last 18 years, and my portfolio is in the millions. I never use leveraged funds, but find Inverse ETFs an important aspect of my investment strategy.
Adding these rules only hurts traders. Everyone starts somewhere and creating requirements hinders their learning process. You don't need to be a genius to use most of these instruments and these restrictions are an annoyance to even experienced investors.
I would like to choose my own investment strategies without being told how to invest. There is no reason to go through any process to trade something I have traded hundreds of times. Inverse funds and leveraged funds are part of investing and I do t need regulation on something that I completely understand already.