leveraged and inverse funds are a useful tool to hedge against market reversals. Investors are notified and forewarned that this is NOT a long term investment vehicle. They are used as part of an overall balanced approach to keep beta and delta values close to neutral
I oppose limits on investing in leveraged instruments. I do so on both the long and short side, and also use options. I understand the risks and limits. If you impair these instruments you will be impairing my ability to generate extra income while hedging long exposure to my portfolio and economic risks (e.g., selling cash covered puts on short ETFs). Please stop impairing open investing, and
Do not limit our ability to invest in these instruments.
Regulators should not prohibit access to valuable investment tools that are designed to serve investors in achieving their goals, including retirement. Investors are responsible for choosing the proper investments for themselves and that SHOULD NOT require any measures imposed on investors that would require testing or minimum net worth requirements. Inverse and Leveraged ETF's are valuable
I beleive i should be able to choose the publiv investments that are right for me and my family. public investments should remain available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldnt have to go through any special process like passing a test before being able to invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. i understand the funds and their RISKS.This is important
You people have no right to tamper or regulate these types of investments. They have already been scrutinized, approved, and regulated by the SEC. We do not need more Bureaucratic interference, in fact we need less. Go elsewhere, find another project, and leave this alone. The ild saying applies here, dont fix what aint broke
These regulations would be taking a valuable tool away from investors. They would impinge on our ability to hedge our accounts against loss. We would need to become short sellers, which is much more risky and unavailable in retirement accounts. Your proposed rules would increase market risk.
Leveraged and inverse funds are a regular part of my investment portfolio, allowing me to hedge at appropriate times. Please do not consider or pass Rule #S7-24-15.
I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST. I should be able to invest in whatever I choose to do with my hard-earned money. Regulators are not LAW-MAKERS. I am not an extremely wealthy person but I should have the same opportunities as other "high new worth" individuals. ...Equal Opportunity under the law!
As an experienced investor, I fully support this regulation. I assist other seniors in financial management and have far too many inappropriate investments promoted. Anyone investing in a complex, high risk instrument should be thoroughly vetted for knowledge and appropriateness.