Please do not restrict the public's ability to utilize leveraged and inverse ETFs as investment vehicles. These instruments provide investors with great methods to hedge portfolios, enhance returns, and fine-tune an investment portfolio.
I frequently use these types of ETFs to mitgate downside risks, target specific sectors, and hedge against market risks.
In my view, the public
Dont make these changes please
I believe that inverse ETFs, when used properly, are an economical and relatively low risk way to hedge equity portfolios. I have avoided serious losses in the current bear market due to the availability of these products. Restriction of these products would be a disservice to smaller investors who wish to avoid the cost of options and the extreme leverage of the futures markets.
I am completely in agreement with this rule. Uneducated investors should not be investing in things they dont understand. Keep up the good work FINRA.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest
There is enough restrictions to transect the pro-shares TQQQ,and other inverse of leveraged share by the authorities like brokerage firms. we are asked to verify the knowledge and sign to it before we can transect, which should be sufficient consent.we do not need any additional restrictions to freely buy or sell these ETFs.
You have no right to regulate what we invest.
It is ours, not yours.
Why do you think you have to be in everybody's business.
Do good for people, that is what you are hired for.
Don't forget
We as a peopleshould retain the right to choose. Even though we have those who think they were hired to lead the masses. Influence peddlers have gotten to them. They need to be regulated, not the people who make a difference every day.
I am against the vote as an informed investor it is my choice knowing the risks associated with these products, if I want o invest or not.