I do not believe testing investors' knowledge of complex products as a prerequisite to their purchase is an effective way to protect those investors. Test answers could be obtained from the internet without the investor actually retaining the knowledge effectively. Additionally, a lack of understanding of a particular subset of complex products should not be reason to deny the purchase of a
I strongly oppose restrictions on my right, as a retail investor, to openly invest in ETFs which use derivatives for long or short public investments.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest freely
Why does the government get to decide how I want to make investments? I don't get to decide how you spend my tax dollars so the government should stay out of my investments. If I choose to gamble my money in investing, it is no different than going to a casino--I chose it and it is then mine to lose or gain. If I put my money somewhere and I lose, it is my own fault. Investing should be
The last thing investors need is more bureaucracy between us and our desired investments. Publicly traded investments and brokerages already provide substantial disclosures and education for those looking to improve their investment returns. No one stumbles upon inverse, leveraged, or other specialty ETFs or other trading vehicles. We have identified a specific need or opportunity, and seek out
Here you go again,you think you know more about what I need than I do. Cryp
I am against regulating my ability to use leveraged and inverse ETFs. I use these in lieu of using time decayed options, which I find much riskier.
We should be able to choose from any and every Public investments this shouldn't be for just the privileged, there shouldn't be anyone or anything stopping us from being able to choose from all the potential investments!
I shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before I can invest in public securities,
like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not need these measures imposed on you. You do not need to protect me from myself. Go do something useful and so not waste tax dollars chasing wild dreams
As long as people can go lose fortunes in Vegas, its absolutely asinine for you to try to tell people what they can and cant invest in. In Vegas, you're virtually guaranteed to lose money.. whereas with an investment, at least there is a calculable probability of profitability.