A retail investor such as myself require access to these types of investments to hedge against risk. During the 2022 downturn they have protected me to successfully hedge my accounts. To test knowledge or require accredited investor status reduces liquidity and advances the disparity between economic classes.
My broker already provides special notifications regarding such funds. That is sufficient.
I absolutely oppose restrictions like means testing. That is a regressive measure, creating barriers to entry for small investors.
Leveraged funds are a central part of my investment strategy. I have traded in them for over a decade.
You shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before you can invest in public securities,
like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of
understanding leveraged and inverse funds
and their risks. Regulators do not need these measures
imposed on me.
Restricting opportunities for retail investors is not going to help them make better investment decisions or grow wealth. It will only serve to increase the wealth inequality in the U.S. Having investors test in order to trade certain ETPs is an unrealistic burden on investors and a waste of tax payer money to facilitate.
I wish to choose the public investments I invest in myself. There doesn't need be testing to purchase these investments as I fully understand leveraged and inverse funds. I use the ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury (TBT) to hedge against rising interest rates. Thank goodness this investment is available to the general public!
I am expressing my opinion of opposition of adding regulation to my ability to buy leveraged and inverse funds. I understand the risks involved and don't feel that taking a test, for example, is necessary. It is just bureaucracy that isn't necessarily going to help with me be less foolish with losing my money, or not.
For me leveraged funds funds are a small part of a well thought out Pro-folio I have put together myself.
Im not some super rich person nor did I have to take a test!
This is a right all should have in a free market environment! It should stay the way it is!
Investors should not face additional regulation for any securities or leveraged securities. I have had tremendous success with owning leveraged securities of many types. All investments are currently purchased at our own risk and we dont need any test or further regulations to do so.
Enough with the paternalistic overreach. Adults should be free to invest the money they have legally earned without regard to class. Having to pass a test to spend your own money is outrageous. Promulgating rules that disadvantage people of lesser means is disgraceful and un-American. This rule change should be rejected.
I want the access to be able invest in leveraged and inverse funds. I understand the risks and dont want take a test to have the access to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. Inverse funds helps me protect my net worth and savings since its hedge against market drops.