This proposal is a blatant overreach. It is my right to invest when I want and how I want! I don't need nor want a baby sitter.
The investor should be able to choose how they invest without having to go through any special processes. These strategies are important for many strategies and without them could radically change the projected performance of our portfolios.
I'm opposed to this regulation. I feel we should have the right to choose our investments based on our own individual risk tolerances.
SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15 I vehemently oppose restrictions to my right to invest in public investments. I am able to chose the public investments that are right for me and discuss with financial advisor as needed. These investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. There shouldnt be any special process like passing a test before investing in public securities
you ruin everything you touch.
I oppose the proposed rule. I, and I alone, should be able to choose the public investments that are right for my family without having to pass a test or go through any special process. Leveraged and inverse funds are an important part of my overall investment strategy. The proposed rule would restrict public investments to a privileged few and prohibit market access to many. No government,
Hello, I vehemently object to the proposed rule. I should have the full right to choose public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I object to any requirement that requires going through any special process before investing in complex products. Leverage and inverse funds are important tools for my
Don't take my freedom to trade away. It's my right not yours!
Please stop meddling in the small investors arena. You have so ineptly and corruptly tilted the scales for the large investors that you should let market participants decide. Your efforts in the name of safeguarding investors is nothing more than an attempt to shelter large investors and institutions. These funds our one of the few ways we can invest in short positions in a readily available
Im seeking NO further regulation on leveraged and inverse funds in that this is an additional assault on our freedoms by regulation. Michael t Stone [REDACTED]