I am of the strong opinion that individual investors should be able to make their own decisions on the vehicle they choose to invest in. It should not be governed by ones net worth, passing of a test or any other qualifications..if so you are limiting the ability to invest in these instruments to the top few you are once again taking away the ability of the small investor to invest/risk their
I can make my own decisions, thank you very much. I can limit my exposure by choosing not to purchase, purchase a small amount, or as much as I want. As a former banker, somewhat successful businessman, and a veteran, I believe I understand risk better than any government employee, who enjoys a risk less salary, risk less retirement, risk less employment, risk less tenure and benefits that exceed
I believe that the current proposals to invest in leveraged and inverse funds are wrong headed. First, these funds are an efficient way to use margin vs a traditional margin account. Second, it is my responsibility to make investment decisions not the regulators. Third these are great tools for hedging risk that are not available except by using margin and exposing myself to higher cost and fees
Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I strongly disagree with any attempt by regulators to limit my investment options. I find it ironic that my investment choices could be restricted by the same federal government that has burdened our nation with trillions upon trillions of unsustainable debt and unfunded obligations. HANDS OFF!!!
Dont limit my ability to make educated investments, and determine my own level of risk
I oppose any restrictions on my ability to buy leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I use them selectively to enhance returns on my overall portfolios.
I believe that all investors should have the right to invest in all available securities and funds. I understand the risks for leveraged and inverse funds, and that they are good tools to help protect from the up and downs of the market. It is everybody's responsibility to do due diligence when investing.