The reporting of "short interest" should be accurate! The everyday, retail investor should have access to ever piece of information the Hedge Funds and Market Makers have. If company is under attack by one of these Hedge Funds, we should be able to obtain real time info we can make educated decisions on where you are putting our money and not get caught holding the back when said
Better reporting on short interest, including synthetic positions hidden in the options chain Full transperancy of the Dark Pool markets - why does more than half the daily volume come from darkpool?? where are those shares? Vastly steeper fines/prison sentences for being misleading regarding short posistions. Your punnishments in the past have merely rewarded the bad actors, they scam us for
Dear FINRA: Firstly, I would like to thank you for giving the investor community an opportunity to be heard. For countless years, the investor community is deeply frustrated over the continuous manipulation of our financial system. I would like to address the following deep rooted issues regarding short selling within our financial system, and suggest possible solutions to mitigate risk in the
T+0. Instant settlement. No trading outside the lit market. No securing exchange security positions with bonded products; cash, margin, or owned stock only. Selling synthetic shorts depresses the stock price and defrauds the company in favor of market maker profits. Liquidity will come with instant settlement.
Short position disclosure should be required of all market makers, hedge funds, financial institutions, etc. in the interest of a fair, free market. The fact that, even now, these institutional investors haven't been required to report short positions, dark pool trades--or even the fact that a "dark pool" is allowed to exist"--goes against the integrity of the market itself.
Recommend weekly reporting by from financial institutions and made public on stocks shorted and positions held for shorted stocks. Require increase financial penalties in excess of 75% of invested value to errors in reporting shorted positions
It is more than obvious that several agencies are not complying with the rules for naked shorts and FTD's. Retail investors should have the same real time information as hedge funds to include short interest and real time trading.
As a retail investor, I would like to even the playing field with institutional investors by allowing us the same access to information that they have, especially regarding short positions. Also, in addition to that, I would like short positions to have to be reported daily by no later than 30min after closing bell. This is MORE than enough time for them to calculate their total shorts taken that
Haven't been investing very Long, but what I'm seeing seems like it's all in favor of the big company's and not for the individual investor. I like what you want to do with the rule changes, but talking about it, isn't good enough. NEED TO SEE ACTION, from all levels.
Data transparency is a must of having reliability, responsibility, and accountability within in financial industry. Without the full faith and trust in a fair system, myself and other investors would see no reason to put our hard earned money at risk to the "Wall Street Boys Club". As such, all information about short sale positions, short interest, etc. must be publicly and freely