I believe inverse investing is needed to keep companies honest, Funds are needed to invest against them to ensure checks and balances.
I find the use of leveraged and inverse funds invaluable in hedging my investment portfolio and prefer using them instead of shorting equities. Investors should be offered this opportunity. I understand the increased risk associated with using leveraged instruments, and I manage the amount utilized commensurate with that risk. They also offer diversification for risk management in the various
I've been investing in inverse and leveraged funds for lots of years and would like to continue to do so.
Freedom of choice is the bedrock of America.
I oppose restrictions on the public's right to trade "complex" investments. I use leverage and inverse funds on a daily basis in my investment strategies. They are not hard for the average investor to understand. Adding red tape and complexity around these instruments is not in the investing public's best interests. I request that you reject these proposed rules.
It is important to continue to allow individual investors to freely invest in inverse and leveraged ETF's and similar. Although it may be true that uninformed investors may cause great harm to themselves because the do not understand, the brokerage industry has provided significant notices and warnings to investors of the potential negative results of their decisions. As always, "caveat
This is the land of the free, remember?
Please STOP your efforts to limit myself as an investor to own and trade leveraged and inverse investments. When a regulator like you restricts freedom you actually create more problems than what you think are attempting to fix or repair. Investors in these type of funds actually do know what they are doing. Please stop your restrictions of freedom.
There is no credible reason to restrict the sale of leveraged and/or inverse funds to retail investors. I can understand a suitability check to ensure that retail investors have an adequate understanding of these products but eliminating retail access to these products is not the right answer to a problem that has not been clearly articulated.