Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. I will take the risk if I decide to purchase a suck kind of product. So there is no reason to forbid us to have more choices.
I should have the right to buy cryptocurrency.
Public investment should be available for everyone, I should not have to go through any special process or a test in order to invest in public securities
Please do not add more regulations and disrupt my right to invest. Bank interest rates are so low that the only way to make any real return on your investment is to invest in the free market. This should not be limited to the super wealthy or a game for tax brokers and their fees.
Comments:I'm an experienced investor. Over 60 years investing in common stocks. Please allow. I only use leveraged elf's a few times when markets are out of balance.
Thanks you, James Goss
A high net worth individual with brokerage firm classification of some degree of sophistication should not have to fill in extra paperwork to indulge in a speculative investment.
I am not averse to getting information such as that given for options. It's information that should be in the hands of investors, but what is intrusive and unnecessary is regulatory approval.
Comments: Disallowing retail investors the opportunity to hedge their portfolio with appropriate leveraged products is just another way of keeping retail investors from the many available investments that are out there for institutions. Allow us the opportunity to invest where we want, stop limiting our investment options it should be on the investor to decide and do their own due diligence on
I oppose limitations on my right to invest!
I have some concern regarding the FINRA regulatory Notice #22-08. Imposing such regulation on public traded securities is not only harmful but unprecedented. I think most of the retail market can agree that it is an investors right to freely access the entirety of the public securities markets
without arbitrary restrictions is a basic entitlement. Especially with the current state of the
I want to maintain the current freedom to invest in public securities of my choosing.