Do not restrict my access to investments of any kind. Please insure that everyone is given the opportunity to invest in all investment instruments
Prohibiting these investments is regulatory overreach. Required attestations and waivers should be enough to let individual investors manage their own risks. Moreover, implementing a net worth minimum just reserves the ability for enhanced returns for the already-wealthy.
While I understand the dangers of inverse etfs, and given the economic uncertainties in these difficult times with inflation, the horrifying war and a divided nation, I strongly urge that the sec does not interfere with free market and our free choice to invest. Please dont change the rules or impede. Its our due process in a free market economy. With respect, Cindy Gu
I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds
Dear FINR regulators, Please do not limit my freedoms to invest. Consider that leveraged and inverse funds are an important part of many investors strategy and those who wish to participate in the transacting of them should get to keep the personal responsibility of making the choice to participate in these funds or notno matter how riskywithout regulations that would dictate this choice for them
Why should only the exceptionally wealthy have opportunities to engage in the stock market fully? This is discrimination at its best and class warfare.
More government regulations! Seriously?? This is a guise to limit the average American citizens' ability to participate in a free and fair marketplace. This will further "rig the game" in favor of the big financial institutions and eliminate an important financial tool that the small average investor can use to hedge their portfolio's in adverse times. The small investor
Change the tax code to a flat tax leave this Proshares alone
Disagree as believe this reduces investment freedom and favors large institutional investors
I know how to invest, so I oppose restrictions to my rights and abilities to invest.