This regulation doesn't help me as a consumer or investor. It hurts me. It takes away my options and my ability to decide what is right for me and my finances. The attitude that individual investors are too dumb to understand "complex" investments is offensive. I do my homework and choose my investments based on my own risk profile, investment vehicles and asset classes that I
Dear FINRA, It is imperative consideration for Proposed Rule #S7-24-15 be discontinued. The funds in question provide individual investors the means to easily diversify and balance exposure over multiple asset classes. This diversification, alongside the already significant margin requirement for purchase of the funds, reduces overall investment risk. This proposed rule would hurt the individuals
I oppose restrictions on my to invest in public investments. I want the ability to choose any public investments that are good me. I don't want any special processes in place.
I Think it should b my option to choose to buy or not to buy crypto.
We ALL should be able to decide how to invest and not regulators. The government wants to only cater to the privileged few. This administration wants to exert their power to control the common citizen. We live in the USA to be free and to have a right to choose not to be governed by a quasi communist regime that dictates how we live.
FINRA - It ain't your job to decide what investments I can participate in! It is my job.
We're all adults here. Let people be responsible for themselves.
Limiting what I can invest in should be my right and not something only the privileged have access to. Stop limiting the abilities of retail investors to invest how they think is right for them and their families. I am capable of understanding the risks associated with cryptocurrency funds. These are valuable tools that you want to take away from me while you allow the ultra-wealthy to take
If I have the money to buy shares then I deserve the right to buy it. Besides its the stock market has people buying and selling all the time without any discrimination. So what are you going to say, "Oh the stock market dose not allow people from the LGBTQ community, or of certain race / nationality of people, to do stocks and/or bonds because we wont to keep only the right kind of people