I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not need these measures imposed on me.
As a grown-up responsible adult I should have the right to choose whatever Investments I desire and willing to take a risk on. This is the United States of America.
I am oppose limitations on your ability to buy the Funds
I oppose this measure. Just because I'm not high net worth doesn't give you the right to take away my ability to reach that status. I use various products to hedge and improve returns. I know my risks. I'm not a child, and you are not my mother. Your only job is to prevent outright fraud as in lying and make sure people understand the risks. It is okay to have people have to sign
I not regulators should be able to pick the investments that are right for me and my investment strategies. This is another regulatory overreach that serves the institutions and not the public, it should never be accepted. I do not need to be patronized by FINRA or any government institution on how I invest. It is those same dumb and shortsighted limitations that are driving social security into
I do not need these measures imposed on me.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. Public investments should be available to all the public-not just the wealthy. I believe that investors of this area are able to understand leveraged and inverse funds and their risks without taking a test.
It is important to have inverse investments as they can be used in the market place to mitigate downside in long positions, thus making it possible for me to avoid trading my long positions. A regulator has no ability to perceive my need to take such mitigating positions, and it is offensive to be told that such an ability. Simply stated, public investments should be available to ALL members of
This is ridiculous. I thought we're supposed to have a free market. Preventing people from trading to "protect" them is moronic.
If the government can intentionally make bad policies decisions that negatively affect the economy and our hard earned retirement, we should be able to counter the terrible policies with investments that protect us from financial destruction. Thank you