I dont feel I or anyone should have to take a test in order to invest in any funds or etf. Im of sound mind and judgement and am very aware of the downsides of inverse and 2x investments. I oppose regulating my investments.
Please do not pass this unduly restrictive regulations. Investors should be able to choose ANY investment in EVERY account type without government restrictions and interference.
Leveraged etfs and commodity funds enable diversification, hedging, and aggressive strategies that are suitable for my investment objectives. I oppose any regulations that would limit my ability to achieve my investment objectives.
I oppose any restrictions on my ability to buy proshares, or any other public investment
Thank you for allowing comments on this subject:
You shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. These investments are critical to hedging a portfolio. Please allow individuals to make their own choices as to how they invest their money, not the government.
Thank you for your
Plekase refrain from passing new regulations that restrict access to investment opportunities.
Please do not limit my access to these funds.
This should be my choice.
My personal choices about how I allocate my investments are my decision alone. FINRA should not have the authority to restrict what and how I invest my money, eliminates access to high value propositions for retail investors, and is ultimately antithetical to foundational principles of the American Dream and the stock market
FINRA's tag line is "A vibrant market is at its best when it works for everyone". If FINRA regulators define and determine who may invest and in what then how can it be for "everyone"?
Determining who and what can be invested in seems like just another form of Market Manipulation by them for there "qualified" chosen?
This is more
I do not approve of further restrictions on trading leveraged/ inverse funds. They have been extremely important as hedges for protecting my retirement savings in highly volatile market episodes. This is especially true for the 401k/IRA investor who is restricted from margin and short-selling. The answer should be training investors in how to use these funds prudently, not restricting them.