It could potentially deny the freedom to choose investments that could help you achieve long-term financial security.
I want to have the ability to make my own investment and I oppose any restriction on my right to invest in public investments
Vehemently opposed to new rules
These products you are looking to ban can help investors if a crash comes. All securities involve some kind of risk! Educate instead of legislate
As a medium term ie around 5 year trader, I find this whole idea offensive. You are saying we are too stupid to find out the info we need to determine if we want to invest in these products. It should not be your decision on what we invest in.
Being and American citizen comes with many things and one of those thing is the freedom to "contract". I have the privilege and ability to "choose" whatever investment strategy that works best for me and my family... Not regulators. If there is a public investment, it should be available to everyone that has the desire to invest, not just those that are "privileged"
Please stop interfering with the right of individuals to determine for themselves what are proper investments. How can a regulator know what is appropriate for thousands of individual investors?... they can't. The proposed regulation(s) are yet another example of government overreach.
SEC is politically motivated and should stay out of peoples business. They need to focus on crook billionaires like Musk and others instead of average people. This is USA and we do not want any [REDACTED] telling us what to do.
I oppose regulations that limit small investors ability to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. This is a basic principle of fairness. Should these vehicles only be available to high net worth individuals? There is enough special privilege already in the system that rigs the system against individual investors. This rule amounts to further theft.