do not limit access to to leveraged and inverse etfs....they are good for protection/hedging.
This is ridiculous. At what point are people not responsible for their own decisions? Anyone who buys a leveraged fund should know the risks and reasons they are buying the asset, and if they dont, shame on them. Dont punish the rest of us for the stupidity of a few.
Comments: To whom it may concern: I am writing to provide input concerning the issue of FINRA proposed rules to limit access to leveraged and inverse ETFs and "complex products". I use leveraged and inverse ETFs regularly as a hedge against market volatility. This has been a very valuable and successful tool for me. I fully understand that uneducated investors may use them incorrectly
Comments: Over the years there has been enough said about the features and risks of the leveraged instruments like 3x ETFs. Brokerages also issue pop-up warnings on the risks and margin requirements as we enter a trade. I am strongly in favor of *not* changing the current rules for these leveraged instruments. Doing so would reduce the investment/trading options for hundreds of thousands retail
Yes i understand the risk of the fund, and i am happy to invest, it is very directly, the fund is using leveage, in a nut shell borrowing money to invest more, and is mananged to pay the cost of the loan and to also provide extra growth. It is a good system, and their needs to be more funds like this. In fact many Real Estate investments work on the same concept. Leverage, the 8th wonder of the
Comments: What kind of idiot would stop access to these funds? There great!
Comments: Who is FINRA to says that you are qualified to trade or not? This is government over reach.
As a registered representative, financial advisor and personal investor I would sincerely hope that I am never prohibited from using these funds in the future. If you want to ad investor education and or disclosures, so be it. But please do NOT reduce the availability of such products. As a rule of thumb, my firm does not permit the solicitation of these vehicles in my position. As for my own
Get the government and its allied organizations [REDACTED] out-of-the-way. PERIOD
Comments: I like leveraged and inverse funds. Each time I buy/sell, Charles Schwab gives me lots of warning about buying those types of ETFs. When I look at the fact sheets or prospectus of these type of funds, I see it very clearly that they are primarily designed for day trading and lots of warnings. I vote you let investors use "complex products" like these without restrictions.