Request that you do not restrict private investors from trading inverse and leveraged ETFs and funds as they may level the playing field with banks, hedge funds and market makers.
Live and let Live. Let me do with my money what ever I want to do. I already paid taxes on that money, please stay out. Thank you
I understand the risks, please don't lock me out based on net worth.
This is my money, I do not need anyone telling me how to invest it. I am assuming the risk involved in investing by using my money to make those investments. I do not need permission to invest my money.
I think due to the fact of covid it reall messed up the ability to invest proper and if we aren't able to trade leveraged stocks alot alot of people will loose money and the whole market as a whole will fall.
Dear FINRA. Please stop interfering in our investments by placing regulations on small investors that assume we do not know what we are doing. Stop favoring Wall Street. We do not need to be burdened with more regulations.
I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST. The day trading restrictions and wash sales rules have already made it very unfair for little guys like me in comparison to institutes and hedge funds. I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
Over reach - let people invest the way they deem reasonable. I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. These instruments are an extremely important part of dynamic hedging strategies that will increase retail investors risks if not allowed to be invested in.
Enough with the over regulations from the government. It is not the job of the government to parent citizens. We are free man and choose to live as such.
I have frequently used Leveraged and Inverse funds in my investment portfolio. Please do not restrict their availability.