I understand how leverage products work and I have been using them for quite sometime. These products should be available to all investors, include myself, not only to the privileged ones. Leverage products are small part of my portfolio and I use them to hedge my portfolio. I understand how and when to use them and I dont need to go through special test to be able to access them. Thanks
I have been investor in leveraged funds for a number of years. It should be my choise. Most option contracts expire worthless. This is not much riskier. The risks are outlined in the prosectus. Please let us invest how we want.
Let me make my own decisions.
We do not need more regulations. I am opposed to these restrictions.
I am outraged that you are trying to tell me what I can or can't invest in. Leveraged funds are a critical part of my investment strategy to limit risk. I am fully aware of the risks using inverse funds.Furthermore, they are an important part of having market checks and balances. I would urge you to not place any restrictions on these funds.
This is not fair, I'm opposed to the measures you want to implement. Allow us to do whatever they want with their money
I use leveraged funds in a small portion of my risk parity style portfolio. Limiting access to these funds reduces the individual investor's choices to meet their investment goals.
: "I oppose restrictions to my right to invest". Hagamos que el trader minorista pueda seguir usando las herramientas que utilizan los grandes inversores:
Please do not remove this privilege from investors
Markets move quickly and have become more volatile than ever. I believe its critical that investors retain the ability to quickly and cost effectively invest in interest rate moves, stock market and volatility moves. This cannot be a right reserved only for rich "qualified investors". This should be the right of every investor. Thank you.