I, not the regulators, should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family, Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. It just seems reasonable that Public investments should be available to all of the public and not just the privileged, I use the inverse funds because they are cheaper than shorting the much higher priced opposite funds
I am very capable of determining whether I should be investing in any public investment and if I weren't then it would be my own fault. I don't need the government restricting my right to invest in any public investment.
Im more than capable to make my own investment decisions. I do not need regulators deciding what is an appropriate investment for me. Stop trying to inhibit individual investors.
This ruling goes against the rights of all types of investors. You will have millions of u.s. investors leave the markets for good, if the markets can only go up with no inverse to be a cobtrarian vehicle to the ebbs and flows of the market. Shame on finra lately and the top 5%. Let the class warfare begin. Shame on you guys over at govt. agencies. Specially the tsp plans of the military to shut
Leveraged ETFs should not be allowed for anyone including so called professional investors.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies.I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
Investors should be free to choose from the full breadth of investments with their own investment dollars. Limiting availability to investments based upon personal net worth is unconstitutional and unfair. Each individual should be able to choose how they choose to invest with their own dollars.
Why would you stop people from investing as they choose? I don't need a parent looking out for my financial well being. That's not the purpose of our government. If I make bad decisions regarding my investments, it's on me. Thanks
While I understand the need to be sure investors understand the products they are using, I think it is important not to constrain investment opportunities heavily. So, I ask you to consider carefully any new constraints on existing investment opportunities (such as leveraged investment products) with that in mind. Allow wider access rather than more limited access. Establish minimum safeguards