I am perfectly able to assess the risks of these and other complicated investments and do not require a "Nanny." TY
Dear SEC, I use leverage funds as a hedge for my total portfolio. I understand the risks involved with these funds. I do not need any more regulations enforced on me what I can do . As an American citizen, I believe the constitution offers me the opportunity to choose how I invest the money that I earned.
I as an individual would prefer to choose my own investments. Im building strategy that optimized for using leveraged and unversed funds and its a paramount for my financial independence
I hereby oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. The Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
The inverse investment is an important strategy for my fund investment. Please do not stop them. Thank you in advance.
Inverse and leveraged fund is a great way of hedging my family's wealth against downside risk. I have been doing it for many years and I oppose to limit my investment option.
As an american citizen, that pays a lot of money in taxes, I think it should be my choice on how I spend what's left after paying the government so much of my earnings. It's the not the government's responsibility to deem whether or not a particular investment is suitable for me. Do you regulate how people go to casinos and gamble away their checks? Do you regulate how much a
This REEKS of corruption by the FINRA!!! There is no one out there that FULLY understands every aspect of the stock market, Doctorates (multiple) or none. The market is simple principals that work either on an ETF or common stock. There is not a single stock that is 100% guaranteed to make a profit, some are much more riskier than others. The FINRA should not be Wall Street’s thug enforcer, but
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. Very valuable tool to use leverage and inverse funds, as they help me protect (hedge) your investments or seek enhanced returns, and I use them as a limited part of your overall portfolio.