I do NOT desire any changes by regulators that impeded my ability to invest, especially these listed below that require me to: Pass a regulator-imposed test of my specialized investment knowledge Demonstrate a high net worth Get special approval from my broker Attest to reading certain materials Go through cooling off periods during which you cant invest
Leveraged and inverse funds, among other complex products under consideration, are important tools for individual investors and should be freely accessible regardless of a persons professional background or wealth, including the ability to pay for training or advice/service. Sufficient information is publicly available for people to educate themselves and make personal risk/benefit
Inverse funds have been beneficial to me in my investment journey..So why interfere? I assume its risks just like I DO WHEN i invest in other instruments. Now when large institutions were bundling mortgages and swindling the little guys the regulators were no where to be found...
Dear SEC,
Please don't put restrictions on crypto-currencies funds like BITO.
More regulations will just make it harder for the small investor, widening the gap between the rich and poor.
This is the same as regulations make it hard for for small businesses to complete with large corporations.
Thank you for considering small investors.
I oppose limitations on our ability to buy the Proshares or any other leveraged or inverse funds. We should be able to invest freely in whatever funds as we assume the risk.
To whom it may concern,
I, as an individual investor, should be able to choose the investment vehicles that I deem appropriate for my needs. I am not a child that needs to be coddled. I am perfectly capable of understanding and accepting the risks that I am undertaking when using leveraged and inverse funds. Excess regulations or processes that inhibit my ability to invest as I see fit cause an
I know what I am doing and should not lose my ability to invest.
These leveraged are excellent investment vehicles for taking advantage of market extremes, etc.
Henry Coz
Please do not take away my ability to purchase 2x and 3x Proshare funds. I use them to increase my risk, but at the same time doing it across a broad range of securities (e.g. Russell 2000).