As a relatively sophisticated inventor, well versed on the risks of investments, I see this rule does not benefit me - but restricts the way I can invest
I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST. I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test. I am capable of understanding the investments considered and their risks.
Once again, people in government want to do what's best for you. Our elected representatives want to be able to control how I trade leveraged funds. I don't get to chose how my elected representatives trade, yet I am consistently taken advantage of by my elected representatives. Think about how ridiculous it is to only let people of very high net worth trade leveraged funds in their
The fact that individuals can gamble and can't invest is ridiculous and sickening. Thousands struggle with gambling addiction and yet casinos are everywhere. Yet honest, logical individuals cannot invest in the way they see fit. Passing this regulation would be a disgrace and harmful for those like me trying to beat inflation which this country has created and burdened it's citizens
Hi, I've many years experience in stock investment and I have large investment in stocks, Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. I understand it's risk and reward! I purchase SQQQ and SPXU as hedge to my tech investments and other stocks. I also seek enhanced returns by trading SQQQ and SPXU. However, leveraged and inverse funds are small portion of my
If i invest my own money, i should be FREE to choose wherever that is, with enough sense to know , there is risk in any investment instrument. A sure investment free of risk doesnt exist, if you stop certain funds, then all investment opportunities must also go, because ALL come with risk.That is free enterprise, in what is supposed to be a Free Nation
Leveraged and inverse ETF's do not need any further regulations. These ETF's provide much need flexibility for the investor. Additional regulations are just one more example of government employees of the Nanny State that impose regulations that restrict personal choice "for the individual's own good". Spend your time looking for crooks not restricting our individual
Dear FINRA Regulators, I am opposed to the use of regulation that applies to only some classes of investors, but not others. For too long, the big investors have always had tools that they can use to navigate, or even manipulate, the market place, while the small investors are left without these tools. A market place with unequal access is not fair and is more easily manipulated by the small
Dear regulators, it is very important for me to have the freedom to use inverse and/or leveraged ETF's in real time and on a minutes notice, as part of my IRA account strategies. Without it, my retirement would be in jeopardy. I strongly oppose the proposed rule. Thank you.