I am a small retail investor. I understand the complex investments that I purchase, such as the BITO ETF. I object to the SEC interfering in my ability to easily and freely buy and sell these types of investments.
I oppose the proposed restrictions suggested limiting investors the right to invest in cryptocurrencies and other investments identified in Rule #S7-24-15. Please do not pass the proposed rule.
Do not take away my rights to decide how, when, and what legitimate investments to make. I am in charge of my financial future and make decisions based upon my situation, risk appetite, and personal goals. I can read risk documentation to understand my decisions and DO NOT want regulators determining what is right for myself and family.
Regulators should only make sure investments are legitimate and legal. They should not be deciding who may and may not invest in any investment. This is a free country and everyone should have equal opportunity to invest as they see fit.
I am an educated adult and want the freedom to purchase assets on Fidelity, Vanguard and others. I do not need FINRA to increase regulation under the guise of protection.
Same I invested in two accounts. Please dont cancel BITO!
Qaulifieid investor rules are the most discriminatory thing in existence. The pompous notion of this being "for your own good" is infuriating.
To whom it may concern, I'm not sure why you would consider limiting my ability to invest in digital currency ETFs. They are far less risky investment than the digital currency itself. Funds like BITO offer an opportunity to buy a diversified set of currencies without having to participate in wallet services. Please do not limit my ability to buy funds like these.
Regulators are attempting to regulate my right to invest. I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in items like BITO, leveraged ETF's or Mutual Funds. This is NOT needed !
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above propose rule. Individuals should be able to choose the investments that are right for them and not be limited by criteria established by regulators. Information is required to be readily available from the financial companies offering the investment that describe the risks associated with each type of investment in the form of a prospectus or