To Whom it May Concern: It is my money. I should be able to invest it however I wish. I have met absolute idiots that are fully licensed brokers- they could not even tell the difference between a Will and a TOD account. Please tell me why again, I can't invest my own money? People need to grow up and realize they are accountable for themselves.
These decisions are made in consultation with my financial manager.
I invest all my funds in leveraged and inverse ETFs. Please do not restrict my ability to do this. I do not need you to hold my hand, and do not want you to regulate my ability to invest my funds as I see fit.
Do not regulate the inverse funds any further. Any fool can lose his or her money by making stupid investments. The latest in consumer toys and total immersion in the ignorance of the metaverse is a prime example, but that sort of thing happens every day and is, of course, praised by the elitists who would regulate everything for the sake of no one ... but themselves and their cronies. You would
Enough with regulation ladies and gentlemen, this is America the land of the free, regulators and politicians are hired because of We the people so let this be a free market run buy Us many not them few and greedy.
Sirs I am asking that you do not limit adult US investors from investing in securities and products of their own choosing. As an investor over the last 40 years, I have been protected by various agencies and organizations in my investing choices. We do not need any new regulations regarding limiting my ability to invest my money as I see fit.
You took my money for years and now you want to keep my money and not let me have a chance to recoup my loses ?
I manage our family funds. I frequently use leveraged and inverse funds as hedging vehicles, primarily, but occasionally for going long with less funds. I never put on a leverage investment that I don't have cash to offset. I don't want the government telling me or limiting the tools that i need to manage our investments. If people get in trouble using leveraged or inverse funds that is
Please accept this statement as my opposition to proposed SEC Rule #S7-24-15. I do not need a regulator to decide on my behalf what is deemed to be an appropriate investment. No regulator will ever be able to be as discerning as I am about what I should do with my own money. Sincerely, Matthew A. Lester
I do not support SEC Proposed Rule S7-24-15. I should have the right to determine what public investments are right for me without going thru a special process like passing a test. I am capable understanding the risks involved with these securities. Leverage and inverse funds are an important to my investment strategies. I use them to hedge and seek higher returns as a limited portion of my