Dear FINRA, Hope the day finds you well. For 15 Years we have been restricted to Index Funds, Commodities, Currencies and Real Estate (Spouse is MD at Investment Banking Firm). The new restrictions Listed under Rule #S7-24-15 are worrisome as we will have even more limitations on where to invest our monies??? We are a household of MBA's, work hard and clearly understand that any purchase or
Each individual deserves the right to make their own investment choices despite the risks involved. Certain funds or tools shouldnt be only in the hands of those who can control the markets. The investment choices individuals make is a form of freedom of speech and should be treated as such. I understand how leveraged and inverse funds work and I should be able to use them appropriately and in
Do not ever, stop inverse and leverage etfs. We need these tools to hedge. U want to stop while in a bear market and gdp just hit negative??? What are u thinking??
I should be able to choose the public investment that is right for me and my family. Public investment should not just for privileged few. FINRA interest shows private few to get benefit out of PUBLIC fund. I object the restrictions or any measure introduce by FINRA on publicly traded fund.
I am opposed to FINRA establishing boundaries / restrictions on my ability to trade leveraged and indexed funds without meeting certain "educational", experiential, net worth, etc. criteria. I will definitely encourage and join any class action suit if FINRA takes any such steps and have several General Counsels and Pillsbury Shaw Pittman to work with.
Please allow me to continue to choose the public investments
You may think you're protecting people, but what this regulation will actually do, is keep the poor, poor, and keep the rich, rich. One way us people of lower classes can get ahead, is to learn advanced trading techniques. By making limits to 'high net worth individuals" you are perpetuating a cast system in this country. Stop treating us like children.
I value disclosure and transparency, but do not feel that I should be restricted from investments based on the governments assessment of my capability to understand financial products.
These proposed restrictions on my ability as a lifetime worker and saver is a clear example of overreaching regulation that could deny me to invest my savings in securities through my brokerage account. I primarily invest in American companies, do not day trade and do at times invest in leveraged and inverse funds. I understand the risks of investing and have spent time and considerable money to