I oppose restrictions to my right to invest include leveraged and inverse funds. These are important investment vehicles to hedge our portfolios and participate in the market. We don't need to give a test to be able to use these public investments.
I shouldn't have to take any sort of test or pass any extraneous process to be able to choose how I invest the money I work hard for. If I have the right to make decisions on how my money is spent and invested.
I should be the one to decide what I want to invest in. There shouldnt be tests or exams to determine this first. Crypto currency is an important part of my investing strategy. Dont hurt the small time, working class Americans with these restrictions.
Restricting individual right to invest in funds or any legal investment is not in the best interest of American citizens. Requiring a test of some sort or sign off on the risk involved would be a better option to address these concerns.
The Nanny State should stay out of telling investors how to invest. Look how brilliant it has been in controlling inflation, actually by bringing it on. (And soon to bring on recession by it's policies.) No test, no restrictions!
People shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, and public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. Public investments should be available to all the public-not just the wealthy. I believe that investors of this area are able to understand leveraged and inverse funds and their risks without taking a test.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds for myself or my family. I am perfectly capable.
I don't like regulators interfering with my investment decisions. is your test so you can steal my profitable market timing strategy? I use leveraged long and short funds. Leave them alone.
Leveraged and inverse funds are in my portfolio and I want to continue to invest in this vehicle.
It is no different than stock trading.
Government interference is unnecessary.
No special tests are necessary.
Please dont change it. Would be unfair.
Thank you.