I don't agree with Gov. intervention(s) in personal trading...
I believe knowledgeable and longtime individual investor should be able to use all kinds of investment tools, especially in today's Markets! If the big institutions use these investment tools, why not the Individual Investors?? Do the Right thing for all...
Leveraged funds are important investment tool for me as it allows me to hedge my positions without using margin and the added risk involved with doing so. Thank you for this opportunity to be heard.
I am a big boy and will lose my money or gain my money as I see fit.
Dear Sir or Madam: Do NOT restrict my ability to purchase leveraged or inverse funds!
Investors should be doing their own due diligence and be responsible for their own investment decisions. These investment products help people reduce risk by hedging and diversifying other positions.
I urge you not to restrict American investors from using investments that have helped so many people to navigate the current markets. Thank you
I believe in free market. Everybody should be able to buy these funds freely. Thank you
To whom it may concern I am 72 years old now. I have been investing in equities since I graduated from college which is the mid 70s. As all we aware of the fact that the market did not go anywhere during that decade. The only way to make a decent return is by trading and I wish we have Market index ETF or the reverse of it at that time. We now have good products and I cannot understand why the
Don't want those regulations and could you please do away with the $25,000 in your account day-trading rule? Why is it that always the little guy gets the short end of the stick?