Don't touch my freedom to invest in whatever I choose.
I have known the Leveraged ETFs' risk and invest in those ETFs by my own decision and risk. Don't make limit to buy or sell that options.
Thank you.
This can not happen in a free democracy. People should have the unalienable right to make decisions for themselves
Dear Regulators,
These leveraged and inverse funds are important part of my investment strategies. It helps me hedge my portfolio during market downtimes. I am aware of the risks involved. Any restriction around buying and selling will significantly harm my existing positions in these funds.
In fact, what we need is better supervision to eliminate any manipulations.
Please make sure that you impose stringent requirements for qualified investors to purchase complex securities, lest the financial industry put the economy at risk by duping thousands of naive investors as it has in the past. Also, consider outlawing especially dubious investments with no social utility, like cryptocurrency.
Having restrictions on leveraged and inverse funds is completely unnecessary. The public should have full access and control over where their money goes. I believe those who hold such funds fully understand the risk and are not afraid to lose a significant portion of their investments.
As someone in my early 20's, I have leveraged funds as a large portion of my portfolio because I do
Say no to limiting gains on investments!
This is the United States of America!! I should have the right to invest and leverage risk any way I see fit. Who are you to say if I and/or anyone else is smart enough or wealthy enough to take on higher or inverse risks based on their own personal investment strategies?
Please don't tell me what I can and can't invest in. Being a small investor is tough enough without those in charge putting more and more roadblocks and restrictions. The vast majority understand the risks of investing and don't need to be treated like children with "Cooling off periods" that smack of a 5-yr-old being given a timeout.
If restrictions