Please allow us to invest in leveraged funds. And there must be a way to allow this along with ensure those inexperienced investors a safety net.
Please dont restrict my ability to trade leveraged ETFs
I clicked over to a website that does not support the proposed rule, but I *DO* agree with the limitations being proposed. I was Series 7 and Series 63 licensed, and have seen many people maneuvered into investments that neither they nor their financial advisors understood. The results can be devastating. I think it might be better to do a two-pronged approach with limits on the types of
Need to be able to buy Leveraged and inverse funds
FINRA proposed rule #22-08 will lock out working class people who want to invest for a better future this is an elitist despicable, and un-American!
It is not right proposal that restricts public investment on cryptocurrency funds
Do not proceed with regulations for private investors! Leveraged and inverse funds are pivotal to my investing. I should retain the right to make my own financial decisions without extra steps or approval processes.
No one has the right to tell me what company I can invest in.
Please stop trying to interfering in free markets. It is a mistake and will just hurt people. When people trade these funds they know they are high risk and it is their money to lose not yours.
I am opposing the restriction to limit me from investing in LEVERAGED AND INVERSE FUNDS. Please do not pass any laws prohibiting me from these funds. Im an educated seasoned investor with a 7 figure in investable net worth with knowledge investing for several decades.