I not regulators should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for me and my family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
We all need protection to some degree, but we need freedoms at the same time. A stronger proposal could guide the investments themselves to provide better details on the investment.
Please do not hurt, disparage, and/or insult the potential of the American people to make their own financial decisions.
I strongly oppose any restriction placed on my ability to buy leveraged ETFs. I am a "smart" Retail investor who has done his homework, understand the risks and volatility that come with these leveraged ETFs and I want to be able to continue buying them.
They have given me sizeable gains over the long term.
Trading using margin or options is much more riskier. Options have
I have been trading leveraged etf's for 10 years or more. I have never lost money in them. I feel that they are safe for me as I am very careful how much I invest, usually no more than 20% but usually 10%. I need them in order to preserve my lifestyle in retirement.
I oppose adding restrictions to trading financial products deemed "complex" because people are ultimately responsible for managing their own money. Regulating these products would make it harder for people to maximize their returns, hedge, and speculate. Speculation is much maligned, but ultimately, it keeps markets efficient and people should have ready access to high-risk/high
We shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before we can invest in public securities,
like leveraged and inverse funds. We are capable of
understanding leveraged and inverse funds
and their risks. We do not need these measures
imposed on us.
Please note that leveraged and inverse funds help
protect our investments.
I've worked my whole life to get where I am. I've got a little to invest and try to grow. I made the money, it should be ME to make my own decisions. Win or loose, this is my right to do what I choose to do with it.
That [REDACTED]. Stop violating my rights. I have the Constitutional right to buy what I want without being subjected to your idiotic,unconstitutional [REDACTED] and violation of my rights. You all work for me and the rest of America it's Time for you to do what you are told to do by the people not what you want to do or what you are paid under the table out of site to do that goes against
Dear Regulators!
It would be a huge mistake to limit investors abilities to use the various leveraged and inverse leveraged ETFs currently available as components of a balanced asset allocation. For long-term and short-term investors these vehicles have an important role to play in both mitigating risk and providing capital appreciation. Please do not put addition burdens on small retail
I fit all the normal requirements for suitability to buy such things as ProShares. I owned AGQ in my Roth IRA. I am a retired VP Investments from a regional brokerage firm, sufficient net worth and income, full options trading experience and qualification and was forced by the compliance guy where my account is currently to divest this security due to its complex and risky nature and the upcoming