bad idea we should be free to invest as we see fit.
Please DO NOT limit my right to choose public investments that include leveraged or inverse funds. I am fully capable of understanding, and do understand, the risks of these investments.
You are not in a position to decide what is best for me nor to direct my investment philosophy. DO NOT move forward on this regulation. Allow people to make their own decisions!
Leveraged and inverse ETFs are crucial to my investment strategy and allow me to hedge my portfolio against market shifts. I believe that all investors should have access to these types of investments and that it shouldn't just be limited to large investors who can do complex derivatives with investment banks.
This is complete [REDACTED] that we have to tell you not to do this to every day average people that are trying to do something better for themselves you should be ashamed of yourself. These guidelines are trash
I believe it is completely unreasonable to restrict my ability to invest in instruments that I deem appropriate for myself. Im an adult and this is the United States of America - I dont need to be coddled and protected as to what I want to invest in. Furthermore, these instruments are completely legal, the proposal is just to keep them for people who already have a lot of money, thereby widening
Our free enterprise system opens and allows of many income levels to opportunity to invest the market system ,national,global, to set regulations is to dampen the freedom to choose the best viable stock option, secure or insecure stocks.
To Whom it May Concern,
One of the beautiful and necessary conditions of good investment options is a free market. A free market allows all people the opportunity to invest in the same equities - whether you are a millionaire or a recent high school graduate with your first part time job. Pro Shares provides the everyday man the ability to invest in inverse funds and balance their portfolios as
I have invested for over twenty years. In the beginning I did not know much, but I learned. Did I make mistakes? Sure. But I knew there were risks. As long as someone can document that they understand investing involves risk and loss, they should be able to invest in any legal arrangement. To not allow or to put up barriers to entry, would just be forcing the younger and poorer to stay un-
Leveraged funds allow investors to take on a relatively cheap form of leverage without risking margin call or needing to deal with the tax implications of rolling futures or options contracts. It shouldn't be the government's job to force investors to make what they consider "safe" investments, and in the digital age investors are only a google search and an
We dont need to regulate. We can read!