I am most disappointed in this attempt to limit what I can invest my money in. This is excessive and unnecessary.
I teach ETFs, both leveraged and un-leveraged ETFs to 13 year olds. They understand them very easily. All one has to do is to search what the ETF is composed of on a site like ETFDB.com or any other website. The ETF leverage is often also stated in the name of the stock next to the ticker.
Good Day, The United States of America was built to protect the individuals rights to practice their beliefs without the interference of the government. Please to do not take this lightly when choosing whether or not to limit the investing practices of American citizens.
Leveraged products are key to the risk management of any retail investor. These new regulations and especially the high net worth requirement will only enlarge the inequality between the rich and the rest of us, who already have way less instruments and hedging opportunities to resort to. You should protect the retail investors rather than making their investing a living hell.
Hello, We understand the risk in the complex product and fully understand that this is related to the market fluctuation and would like to continue with this.
The federal government again is trying to overstep its bounds with this proposed regulation. It is insulting that those at the SEC think American Citizens are to ignorant to make their own decisions regarding investments. I shouldn't have to go through a litany of red tape to be able to invest in public securities, such as leveraged and inverse funds.
I - not regulators- should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me not some abstract federal regulator. Public investment should be available to all of the public not just the privileged.
It is not the place of any government agency to tell me what I can invest in. This is a major overreach into my financial freedom. I fully understand the products that I invest in & do not need to prove my knowledge. Leveraged & inverse funds are extremely important to my investment objectives. These funds allow me to use less of my capital. This is important for the rest of my
I don't believe that regulators should prevent the public and individual investors from having access to investment opportunities that are made available only for the privileged or professional. You can never adequately prevent the risks that investment inevitably has connected with it. To attempt to do so only continues a policy of giving some, shall we say 'elite' investors the
Me not regulators should what kInd of investment I make.I have been doing it for a long time and have experience what to do Leveraged and inverse funds are the major investments for me and this is the right stratagy for me If you look at my account I have increased my account by more than 50K in last two months which proves that my system works