I as an investor should have free choice to decide what I want to invest. That decision should be made by me not forced by regulators. Instead regulators should limit big players shorting the market with minimum margin requirement.
I have a constitutional right to choose how and where I invest my funds. This right should not be regulated to allow only the privileged or those with certain wealth factors. I furthermore do not need to take an exam to determine or allow me to invest my income where I determine is best suited for my needs. These ETFs provide broad exposure and help to offset and contribute to my gains. In
Freedom is our right. Comgresss trafers on inside information and you want to disallow constituents freedom to invest in their choice of investments. You are not special but may think you are. Your below average thinkers, make stupid rules and are currently led by a incompetent old man who cant remember his thoughts and who enriched his family of. Crooks and enabled his son to make millions.
Ive been trading leveraged ETFs for over 18 months. To me it seems that you would do more harm to stop a self-directed traders ability to continue while they already have investment in the product. I could go on and on. But I will just say stopping someone especially in a bear market does not give them a chance to use leverage funds to make profit over the long term. That isnt right. You would
Comments: I have a strong understanding of the characteristics and risks of leveraged investments. I understand this should be monitored regularly, and that they are for short-term trading. My brokerage limits access to the types of trade that I can engage in; for example, I am not allowed to short sell calls or puts, strategies which can be extremely safe or strategies which can be extremely
As an individual investor, I want to have the freedom to choose what investment types I want to use without having to pass any screening tests by regulators who suppose to control and limit my freedom including investment choices.
People should be allowed to invest where they want
Dear Regulators - I believe that regulations restricting my choices and hinder my ability to invest in a variety of instruments that meet my personal needs are not fair. There isn't any higher risk in inverse funds than in long funds, and they simply allow market participants to exercise their views on market valuations, besides allowing for hedging positions. Thank you for your
The government has no business in telling what I can or can't invest in as long as it's legal