We should be able to freely invest
Let adults be adults and make their own investment decisions. If an adult wants to use leverage in their equity investments they should be able to.
If an adult wants to eat sugar, smoke, drink alcohol or abstain from vegetable that is ok also.
I don't need FINRA acting as my mother. Why don't you regulate congress and their insider trading?
I have not been very successful with my Proshares either on the long side or the short side but I still think that I should have the ability to trade these shares as I see fit for my portfolio as market conditions change.
Dear Regulators: Should you limit my ability to hedge my long positions with INVERSIONS, it is tantamount to taking away my health insurance! Over the years I have effectively, and conservatively, used inverse equity positions as insurance against falling markets. In the markets TODAY, without the use of INVERSIONS I would be ruined, or out of the market. It is unwise to drive small and medium
I feel my investment choices are my own, and not the regulators. I have successfully invested in stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Stock Options, and Leveraged Securities for more than 30 years.
Please allow the freedom to buy and sell leveraged funds
Dear Sirs;
I strongly object to any rulings curtailing my ability to trade and buy leveraged and inverse funds, and dozens of other popular
investments deemed to be complex by regulators.
I am highly qualified to make my own investment choices and clearly understand the risks involved and I DO so in full knowledge of those complex structures. They ENHANCE AND PROTECT MY OVERALL INVESTMENT
Leveraged and inverse funds are at great help in handling stock market up and downturns. Exposing 15-20% of my portfolio to these ETFs helps me achieve my investment goals in longer run. I have been investing for 8 plus years and these leveraged and inverse ETFs have only helped in my financial growth and would prefer investing in them in future too.
While I understand the need for, and value of, some regulations to insure that unsophisticated investors do not utilize inverse or leveraged funds to their detriment, I do not believe those regulations should be unduly restrictive. Specifically, I do not support required testing or mandatory cooling off periods. I already accept the requirement for demonstrating appropriate net worth and getting
You are limiting investor freedoms, although you may think you have good intentions, and you may be doing this on the eve of a bear market, which we haven't seen since 2008-9.
Who will this benefit? Hedge funds with a lot more political power than individual investors?
Making normal hedging in down markets less accessible to individual investors is not doing us a favor. We are stewards