Please dont over regulate leveraged ETFs. They are an important part of my portfolio and strategy, and help me execute sophisticated strategies that are normally only afforded to the rich institutions and individuals.
I should be able to choose public investments that are right for me. I understand leveraged and inverse funds and the risk.
Good day, I am deeply opposed to restricting any of my rights on investing. I am a free thinking adult and as such have the right to invest my money in any way I see fit. I should forever have free access to any and all types of investments without special testing or vetting.
By doing it is my belief that only a elite class/group of people will have access to certain investments. This is simply
I have utilized leveraged funds for years and this is a big part of my investment strategy. Frankly they are critical. Removing my ability to utilize these funds creates a significant issue for me. I use leveraged funds strategically in my IRAs in place of alternative derivatives which are unavailable in such accounts. Market fluctuations and limited annual contribution amounts
I reserve the right to make decisions about my money, no matter how ill-advised. If citizen err by not doing research, so be it. While it's clear that many go broke (or worse) by making bad decisions about their money, this has always been true. The stock market has become a casino, and until the government abolishes lotteries, casinos in every state and sports betting, then I don&#
So we been workin hard to learn stocks and try to get a piece of the pie and now yall are gonna come back down on us!!1! Dats racist and yall should be ahsamed
I have enough funds and I didnt need to sell equities for next foreseeable future.
Don't take away my ability to trade in leveraged long/short products. To have regulators restrict my choice in investment products is absolutely wrong and would ultimately degrade my ability to manage my investments. Inverse funds are critically important in providing PROTECTION. It permits me to offset my long positions when markets decline. By using the inverse leveraged funds I can avoid
FINRA cannot guarantee my returns, so please do not limit my investment choices.
I have invested in leveraged fund for years and I do not want more regulators.