Please do not restrict my invest rights. I do not need anyone for help, nor need any restriction of my invest.
America needs a a freedom to in vest .Our founding fathers wanted that.
This is still a free nation
I wholeheartedly disagree with this restriction. It make very little sense to oppose the general public's ability to invest and make money the same way the major bank do, out of an poorly conceived intentions to of "helping" the general public, while been in facts enemies of progress to the advantage of major financial institutions and the detriments of the "
By limilting the investing power of the common individual you are creating a sense of dependancy and not offering a way to financial independance.
It is our hard earned money not YOURS and we should be able to invest it as WE deem necessary. BITO, is no exception. Investing in Crypto Currency funds allows freedom of diversification which is key to financial planning, to anyone who chooses to do
Comments:please do not restrict access to leveraged etfs. This is un-American. I understand the risk and its my money.
Investors should be free to choose and participate in in Public investments securities on inverse funds an or leverage instruments without special process or qualifying test. I do not indorse these measures.
Regarding FINRA Reg. Notice #22-08:
As an investor, where and how I invest my hard earned money is my business, and my business alone. I am fully capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds with out having to prove it to regulators. These funds are very important to my investment strategies, especially in volatile times like we are currently in, in order to help me hedge my positions or
Please retain ability invest in Inverse and Leveraged funds. These are an important component of investing startegy. And given my networth, professional background, education and credit score - there is enough maturity and knowledg to invest in these responsibly
I oppose any federal regulators trying to tell me what and where I can invest my earned income. The government does not need to be involved in my personal decisions. The only way the federal government should regulate crypto is to just outlaw it. Crypto is here to stay weather the federal govt. wants it or not. Stop making it difficult.