I agree, we should have a say in are investing WE want to do.
Investing is a personal right and should not be regulated away from private individuals. The things you should be regulating and/or stopping is the back-door dealings the elected officials are allowed, by turning a blind eye. In turn allowing them to make millions from these dealings while in and after leaving public office!
I can't believe we even have to consider something like this.
Keep the government's nose out the of the people's business.
The public should be able to trade any public stock the same as any firm, hedge fund group, etc. Regulating it so only "qualified" people can trade these stocks makes it an unfair advantage for the "big guys" and leaves the(me,us) little guy without those opportunities being available. I use these leveraged/inverse funds as part of my trading strategies and
Please do not regulate an individuals understanding to purchase investments
Please do not take away my right to invest the way I see fit. I oppose regulations, cooling off periods and tests to invest my money.
I find it another heinous crime that the government wants more control of our money! They have no business involving themselves in the personal affairs of us citizens.
proshares are fantastic tools for leveraged investment. Please allow it to continue
I OPPOSE RESTRICTIONS TO MY RIGHT TO INVEST. I can, on my own w/o any help from more regulations, decide for myself which investments suit me and my family. I do not need any special process before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. Tell regulators you do not need these measures imposed