Our savings in the form of 401k's and so forth gave been severely impacted by federal govt policies. Social security is being placed on the chopping block by Congress. We face unprecedented inflation and federal deficits. It is vital to the economic survival of working and middle class people that their investment options not be arbitrarily and unfairly restricted by an overreaching,
Options and other potentially complex investments represent one of the only ways that those without means may change their lives. Blocking everyday people from such channels is tantamount to constraining them to lives of poverty and lack. Why should only well-off people, often those who were merely lucky enough to 'win the birth lottery', be allowed to better their lives? Why should
Cryptocurrency and crypto currency funds should not be limited to qualified investors. It is the duty of all investors to understand the what they are investing in and the risks involved. Closing off retail investors from an entire class of assets would be a disservice and over reach. As this sector of the economy grows and evolves it is on all of those investing to research and understand what
The investors and not regulators should be able to choose the public that are right for them. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. Leveraged and inverse funds are very important to my investment strategies and I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks.
I strongly oppose the measures being proposed to limit my choices for investing. These investment vehicles (i.e. complex products and options) are part of my investment strategy and used for income generation. Thank you.
I adamantly oppose restrictions to my Right to Invest in any type of investment. I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to everyone not just the privileged few. I should not have to go through any special process before I can invest in public securities as I am more than capable of understanding my investments &
I am concerned that regulations will be passed that restricts my rights to purchase crypto currencies. Please vote down proposed rule S7-24-15.
As a retired RIA (registered investment advisor) I have witnessed the effects of accredited investor rules first hand. From my experience with my clients those types of requirements do nothing to protect the investor, or ensure they understand the investments they are making. I have seen high net worth, high income individuals make horrible investment decisions. And I have seen individuals who
Leave well enough alone !!!
American's investments should NOT be regulated NOR taxed by the Government!!!!