It is very important that I as an investor have the right to freely access the entirety of the public securities markets without arbitrary restrictions. It is my freedom to choose the investments that I believe will achieve long-term financial security. The definition of "complex products" is broad and vague. I am capable of understanding leverages and inverse funds and their
I am an experienced investor and have been investing in real estate and stocks for 25+ years and I have recently discovered a more niche market investment vehicle in the leveraged ETF funds. I have a diverse portfolio of real estate, broad market ETFs, Bonds, and individual shares in companies. All of these various vehicles offer a different risk/reward ratio and I am very comfortable with that
I want free choice to invest I feel we all should have the same choice as the rich and power full
I am an experienced investor and have been investing in real estate and stocks for 25+ years and I have recently discovered a more niche market investment vehicle in the leveraged ETF funds. I have a diverse portfolio of real estate, broad market ETFs, Bonds, and individual shares in companies. All of these various vehicles offer a different risk/reward ratio and I am very comfortable with that
You guys cant regulate crypto and yall are already ruining everything else good about this country as it is! Leave it alone!
The proposed regulation is unnecessary and counter productive. I have been investing my own money for 40 years. I don't need assistance or restrictions from regulators. I use a leveraged ETF as an inflation hedge and it has performed very well in that function over the past year. We don't have many options to protect ourselves from inflation and your regulation would take
Inverse ETFs, commodity based ETFs and alternative investment ETFs like BITO provide a simple mechanism to diversiy and hedge the market for any investor.
It’s a valuable investment tool for any investor who does not have access to highly specialized brokerage accounts with margin account.
Usually, the brokerage warns the investor about the dangers of such investments before the trade goes
Its decentralized for a reason!!!!!!! Stay out of our money u get enough of it!!!!!!!!
As a mathematician working in the area of mathematical finance with an in-depth understanding of the complexities of leveraged ETFs, I am very familiar with how they work. In my experience, the companies that manage these funds, such as Direxion, are very clear and transparent about the workings and risks associated with leveraged ETFs. In my opinion there should not be any barriers to market
I often make use of "complex" investments for trades, including leveraged and inverse funds. No one is forcing me to make these decisions. I am capable of making these choices and am responsible enough to accept the consequences. I'm a small investor/trader and would be seriously hurt if you change the current rules. Please do not add unnecessary, complicated regulations to trading