To FINRA: I want to continue having the freedom to invest on my own as I have for over the years. I want to maintain my current freedom to invest in public securities of my choosing. As an American citizen, I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me! I am grateful to have the freedom of access to the exchange traded funds that empower me and my family to pursue our
Restrictions on my right to invest should not be encumbered especially if I am capable of understanding their risks from my IA. Thank you.
Please do not impose Rule #22-08 on the investment community. As with any investment, users of leveraged ETFs should understand the risks associated with ownership.The committee could write a pamphlet that would accompany the prospectus.
i believe it is critical to allow the normal retail investor to acquire inverse funds and other related instruments to protect against market declines. I should be able to invest in instruments fitting to my individual needs. i have invested in the market for many years and fully capable of understanding inverse funds and their risks. T hey are most important to my investment strategy.
and have
It is very important that I am able to choose investments that are right for myself and my family. Regulators should not be able to choose what is available to me and reserve select public investments for only the privileged or chosen. There should be NO special process like passing a test before anyone can invest in public securities like leveraged and inverse funds. I don't need these
Stop being a pick pocket and a thief. Criminals take less than you . A new kind of slavery financial thief
There is no need for regulators to try and police leveraged funds. They are helpful with strategies used by many investors and traders. Please keep them open to all sizes of portfolios
The government should not restrict my right to invest in cryptocurrency.
I DO NOT agree with regulators desire to restrict retail investors ability to freely trade leveraged investment funds and securities.
I am fully capable of making my own financial decisions and do not need or require a regulatory body to either approve or deny me the ability to invest however I choose.
Butt out of my business!