As long as we understand the risks with Leveraged Funds, why should they be regulated? Most brokers require you to check off warnings, so they know, you understand the risks. I use leveraged funds as a large part of my portfolio and also understand the risk v reward.
As a retail investor I should have the ability to invest in what I like
Let everyone invest in cryptocurrency specifically BITO
The people investing in these instruments know the risks involved. Do not restrict investors.
We can not block people from the so-called financial freedom because the few are scared
Dear Sirs: I am writing to express my opinion that existing investor access to leveraged ETFs should be maintained. These investments are straightforward (leverage 1X, 2X, 3X, etc.) and every investor must understand that risk is inherent with these investments. As with any other investment. I consider leveraged ETFs to be much less risky than US traded Chinese stocks. The Chinese Variable
This is where I invest my hard working money. This is a public investment. It should not be regulated into an opportunity that only a privileged few will have access to. Leveraged ETFs are an important part of my portfolio and I do not want to lose that opportunity.
Why does the federal government always think that they know what is best for everyone? If the federal government can manage my money better than I , why is the deficit so high? But out.
I've been investing in different leveraged instruments in my country during 35 years. I understand the risks and benefits this activity can produce. I decide freely when buy/sell taking profit with no interactions with nobody. I developed my own model to do this.
I completely disagree with the proposed regulations to impose restriction or any limitations on my ability to invest in leveraged or inverse leveraged funds. The risks associated with these investments, like any other investment vehicle, are clearly detailed in the Prospectus documents which are readily available to the public. I oppose Government regulators imposing what I view as arbitrary and