In respect to derivative based VIX ETFs and Options on those VIX ETFs, Retail Investors do not understand these complex VIX ETPs. It is not the investor "may" not understand, but "does not" understand. These complex VIX ETFs like Proshares ETF UVXY are unsuitable for investors. The sponsors need 150+ pages of expert financial wall street and securities legal verbiage to
I am very concerned that there is talk about us having more restrictions on what we can invest in not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I am able to go online and read the information to decided what to buy and not have to go through any special
Let me decide if I want to invest my hard earned money in the things that I want to invest in. It's my choice if I want to invest in Cryptocurrencies.
I'm writing to let you know that I find it unconscionable that you would pass rules that prevent the public from making their own investment choices. There is no reason that those who have more money would have a right to invest in things that others would not. This sounds like a set up to make the rich, richer and the poor poorer. I and others are capable of working out the risks and
Please let everyone the opportunity to invest without being wealthy.
I oppose any limits on my ability to buy Funds from ProShares.
I do not want FINRA to institute regulations that would restrict the buying and selling of "complex products". I have been using products such as leveraged and inverse funds for over 12 years; I find them very useful in my investing efforts. The funds I use function as advertised, so I know what to expect and my expectations have been consistently met.
I understand the risk and have enough experience in trading leveraged products
Please do NOT take away my ability to trade the leveraged ETFs.
They can easily be used to control risk as well as to take risk. They are not difficult to understand. In fact they are easier to understand than many other types of investments,
I should be able to make investment decisions for myself and my family, you should not dictate what I can and cannot do. There are so many things happening this country requiring your input and your regulation - but certainly not this. Please put your efforts into actually helping America to be the country it was meant to be. This is certainly not it.