There is a legitimate investment case for these funds. If you restrict these in the way you propose perhaps you should also restrict individual stock holdings; and active mutual funds. The same principals of possible risks and losses apply.
Stop chipping away on our rights! Everyone has the right to invest and it must stay that way! The efforts of turning this country from a democracy into an oligarchy are are very see through and nothing short of illegal.
To Regulators, I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds because I have more than 40 years of stock and options trading experience in USA. I am capable of understanding those funds and their risks more than any finance professionals. It is totally against the spirit of law under democratic
I trade leveraged and inverse funds in order to feed my family and pay my mortgage. I am 60 years old and do not have skills to get a job that would pay enough. My husband is 82 and a fall risk. We cannot afford assisted living. So being able to trade allows me to take care of him. I honestly don't know anyone who has gone broke from trading. My experience is that your proposed regulations
This would be an overreach of absolutely epic proportions. It's nothing more than a power grab and utterly ridiculous.
I expect to do my own due diligence without interference for the nanny state.
I am an experienced investor and I think leveraged ETFs are powerful tools for my investment. It will hurt my investing strategy if they are banned.
Your mission is to protect the investor from scams in the industry, not to influence their investment decisions either directly or indirectly in ANY WAY, no matter how well-intentioned it may appear. We 'retail investors' are perfectly capable of understanding the basics of how a leveraged ETF works and how much risk it carries. Any further regulation on them would severely affect the
Hello, I am very concerned about your proposed regulations on investing. As I am an adult and a head of household spending my money, I should have the final say on how I invest it. I fully understand the risks of investing and don't need to be tested on the subject. I do not need a cooling off period, because i research investments, and I certainly don't need someone's permission