Please do not limit our ability to invest in Cryptocurrency funds. Thank you.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. I currently own and invest in leveraged products. I should be able to choose the public investments that FIT me and my family. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse investments and their risks. I do not need tests/special processes imposed on me. Leveraged and inverse funds are an important piece of my investment
Its very important that people can have access to whatever investments they wish to purchase.
I'm concerned about the limited ability for me to purchase a product that I believe is the best product for me if the proposed rule #S7-24-15 is applied, I believe current laws and rules are sufficient without some additional perceived protection by FINRA or another agency.
Us taxpayers had to bail out "expert" investors back in 2008 because of their mistakes, not ours. Focus on regulating them, not us.
Why is it that politicians can invest with insider trading knowledge but you want to limit the average American investor
Please do not restrict access to leveraged and inverse funds. These are very legitimate investment products that are not dangerous. Risky stocks are MUCH more dangerous than a leveraged S&P 500 index or other fund.
This is truly government over reach. Please stay out of my personal investment decisions. We want to trade these inverse ETFs and have them as a part of our strategies.