I object to government regulators deciding what I can and cannot do with my investable funds. I receive a prospectus when I buy products that require them, and the burden is on me to make an informed decision. I do not want to have to take any special courses or pass any tests or explain my reasoning to someone outside my family. I have an investment advisor with whom I can discuss whether
Please think about this: the proper place of government regulation of investing is to make markets honest....to prevent one party from cheating or stealing from another. So for example, you could enforce honest prospectus language. Another appropriate regulation would be to ensure an equal playing ground for all investors. Regulations could support every investor's access to these funds and
I invest in leveraged etfs all the time and I'm fully aware of the risk involved it would be an injustice to remove my ability to use this investment vehicle thank-you
Keep your hands off my money and investment options! All regulation of retail investors are infringments upon my 'pursuit of happiness'. Please! No more. Thank you.
If I am capable of putting myself into 6 figures of debt to pursue a degree at 18 years old, I am capable of investing my own money and understanding the complexities of investing.
I have been investing for myself and my family for years and use leveraged and inverse funds as part of an overall portfolio strategy. These types of funds should be available to the general public without any additional onerous rules to use them. Hedging strategies are important to use in certain circumstances and they should not only be available to the privileged few. Regulators should be
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.
Investors shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before they can invest in public securities, including "complex products". The disclosure-based system currently in place provides adequate protections.
All definitions and language in regulations should be clear, precise and limiting. Wording that is broad, arbitrary or vague empowers
Please don't take this SQQQ vehicle away at this time. I've been in it for the whole bull market and now that it's a bear market I'm finally getting my money back.
As a life-long investor and a former registered representative with a Series 7 license, I learned that each person's investment strategy is unique to their current, as well as future, needs. Also, each individual's net worth may require hedging strategies that only leveraged and inverse funds can provide. To restrict access to these investment products means that regulators